Amazing Health Benefits of Snake Tomatoes

What comes to your mind when you see the phrase “snake tomatoes?” You might not have heard or learnt much about this particular veggie (Yes, it is a vegetable). I guess you’ll be amazed at its numerous undetectable characteristics and wonderful health benefits. Snake tomato (Trichosathes cucumerina) locally known as “elejo tomato” or “tomati elejo”

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Meaning, Types, Causes, Prevention and Treatments of Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is almost like an everyday problem. Does it have any tragic effect among the population? What can be done about it? There are some basic facts you need to know about Diarrhoea: 1) Diarrhoea is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old. 2) It is both preventable and treatable.

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Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Allergies

There are 100 million allergy-related Google searches a year and hundreds of Facebook pages dedicated to the subject. Allergies are frustrating, restrictive and sometimes frightening conditions and they seem to be rising at an astonishing rate even in developed countries. Allergies are overreactions of the immune system in response to something that is normally harmless.

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Mouth Odour: Causes, Prevention and Treatments

Mouth Odour or bad breath medically known as Halitosis is a common problem and is usually simple and preventable. WHAT IS HALITOSIS? Halitosis is an unpleasant smell coming from the mouth. It can occur on occasion or it can be a chronic condition. Halitosis is an embarrassing condition caused by a group of anaerobic, sulfur

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