


The Botapreneur Naturales is a natural health and wellness centre that aims at preventing and curing illness, cultivating healthy living and promoting wellness through natural and holistic means.

We are committed to educating the masses about the need to embrace the use of natural therapies and cultivating healthy living.

We aim at providing natural products in form of juices, teas, smoothies, pills, diet therapy, etc and services in form of consultation, trainings and health programs.


To be a premium and leading natural health brand that helps people live healthier and happier through healthy dieting, use of natural therapies and imbibing of healthy lifestyles.


To promote health and wellness through nutrition, nature and healthy lifestyles.


Elizabeth Tolulope Egbeniyi is a graduate of Botany (Plant Science) from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. She is an ardent advocate of using herbs and plants for healing and health because God has expressly given to them to us for meat & medicine (Genesis 1:29,30, Ezekiel 47:12, Genesis 9:3, Revelation 22:1&2).

She has keen interests in Ethnobotany, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Pharmaceutical Botany, Natural Drug Discovery, Plant Metabolites, Medical Botany, Phytomedicine , Herbal Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Natural Product Chemistry and Molecular Biology.

Her love for nature started since when she was a child when she found out about the amazing benefits of plants. Her mission is to share and spread knowledge about the need to cultivate a healthy lifestyle through nutrition, nature and lifestyle.

She is also a strong advocate for clean and healthy eating because she rightly believes and understands that foods play key roles in how healthy we are. She coaches and educates people on the need to eat the right way in an exclusive hub tagged the fitness and wellness hub. The mission of the hub is to build a community of people that promote health & wellness through nutrition, nature and healthy lifestyle. Click here to know more about the hub.

On this blog, you are sure going to find engaging articles on health and wellness, nutrition, healthy recipes, herbal medicine, natural remedies, lifestyles and everything related to natural health. Stay Tuned!

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Lastly, feel free to reach out to at any day and at anytime via email. You can also find us on any of our various social media platforms. Check the contact page to find the links to those platforms.

Thanks for coming, I will love to see you from time to time.

I love you,


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